i P u s h p

A P rogram for the U pliftment of the S erpentCS families for their H armony, P rosperity and welfare.

This assures the growth of the family, not an individual working at SerpentCS.

About Program

Everyone carries a unique talent and when this talent is utilised in the profession and utilised for the betterment of family, this shines up like a GOLD. We, at SerpentCS have thought of generating an internal activity among families of SerpentCS which will enlighten the spirit of families and this will turn into the revenue generation and towards the ease of life.

अयं निजो परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्।

उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्॥

The small-minded count this is mine and that is someone else's |

For the men of great character, the whole world is their family ||

From Day 1, SerpentCS has always kept ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ feeling in the roots. We have always wanted the upliftment of the families of the SerpentCS member. Keeping all aspects of Indian culture in mind, we have been always working for the equal growth of the families. This time, we are putting that system on roll and we are launching the program for the same purpose.

Be it a tailor, beautician, tutor, teacher, doctor, banker, jeweller, carpenter, actor, singer, dancer, or any personal business that will touch the lives of others and can help you earn respect and monetary gains; if any of the above skill is within your family, you are going to get a business within the company. The number of assured customers for you/family are 3 times equal to the no. of employees.

Being a part of SerpentCS, you have a privilege to connect an another world and even possible to launch the services of your family online by any means.

Program Teams

Vinay Vandara


+91 9909913165

Dhwani Vora


+91 9662768877

Program Registration

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