Employee Handbook

Join us and make SerpentCS a better place

Purpose of Handbook

The Employee Handbook is provided for informational purposes only. It is designed to provide employees with a general summary description of Company policies, programs, and employee benefits. The Company has the right to change, modify, delete, deviate from, or add policies and procedures. The Company will endeavor to announce content changes as necessary. Any subsequent revisions or modifications supersede this Handbook. It is your responsibility as an employee to read this handbook. If further clarification or interpretation is necessary, please talk with your supervisor and/or contact the Human Resource Department for assistance. These policies and procedures and any subsequent revisions do not constitute an employment contract, and should not be interpreted as creating an employment contract.

Welcome Message from Management

Welcome to Serpent Consulting group of companies. Thank you for choosing us to work with, nurture you, shape you and design your future-you. We are a growing and dynamic software solutions firm that is built on a foundation of talent, independence and opportunity. Serpent Consulting offers you consulting professionals who are intelligent problem solvers with over 10+ years experience. We provide a progressive working environment that is supportive, diverse, and flexible. Our reputation is our most treasured asset and the foundation on which we have built our company. Everyone at Serpent knows that the only way to protect and improve our reputation is to exceed the client's expectations, meet our commitments, innovate in our business and deliver excellence and that too with Quality, on time and with utmost accuracy, fitting to our motto and tagline. It is valuable to know that when it comes to having the best help in the shortest amount of time, you don't have far to go. Serpent is just an email away. Our state-of-the-art services comply with the best in the industry.

We care about our clients, our people. Our Services and techniques are continually being enhanced and updated to reflect changes in industry and to keep the programs up to date, motivational and interactive, helping everyone here to grow at the speed of the jet at all aspects. We will make every possible effort to support you and to create an environment in which you can achieve your highest level of excellence.


                                                                          Husen Daudi • Managing Director / CEO of SerpentCS
                                                                  Jay Vora • Managing Director / CEO of SerpentCS

Introduction of Serpent Companies

Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd., an ISO 9001:2008 certified (Since 2015) and now a multinational firm was founded back in December 2011 with a vision of Mr. Husen Daudi & Mr. Jay Vora to start a companionship that every company around the world can relate to! No matter it is a Multinational Firm or a Small Scale Enterprise and that is how Serpents was born!

Both Mr. Husen Daudi & Mr. Jay Vora have a gigantic experience working in OpenERP/ODOO. They have been in the same field since the year 2007 and with a vital experience of around 10 years, both have been working as a team leader for the team & a role model for the naive. They have had an added strong hands as a backbone as Mr. Yogesh Sakhreliya and Mr. Anup Chavda who too have had a very much depth in the framework of OpenERP/ODOO by its core.

Over the years, Serpents coiled its way hard to achieve the heights of success which the company is enjoying at present and at global front along with a long list of happy & satisfied customers based upon the strong foundation of a highly dedicated & devoted team of staff members working their hearts out to leave any stone unturned towards paving Serpent’s pathway of success.

OpenERP/ODOO & ERP domain has been the core skill set of Serpent Consulting Services. Till date, the company has served clients from more than 24 countries for providing them an array of services including Setting Up, Configuration, Customization, Integration, Migration and User training of OpenERP/ODOO.


To Serve Global Community


Non-stop hard work blended with vital experiences


To be an all-encompassing business solution

Employment Information

Background And reference check

To ensure individuals joining company are well qualified in their respective fields of professionalism and discipline as declared and to ensure that the company maintains a safe and productive work environment, it is our policy to conduct background checks on all applicants who accept an offer of employment prior to employment or during the employment. Background checks may include but not limited to verifying declaration on the applicant’s resume or application form or from their previous employers.

The company reserves the rights to cease employment at any juncture if results from the background checks reveal information that has not been truly presented or falsified during the application process. Background checks may include but not limited to criminal records, Previous employment, qualifications (educational and or professional) and character.

Other checks may include but not limited to financial status may be carried out on applicants for particular job categories where appropriate and job related. The company also reserves the right to conduct background checks of current employees to determine eligibility for promotions, reassignment or cases involving fraud, misappropriations of company’s property or others in the same manner as described above.

Equal Employment Opportunity

At The Serpent Group of companies, we provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including hiring, placement, promotion, discipline, termination, layoff, recall, and transfer, leaves or absence, compensation and training.

Code of Ethics

We must adhere strictly to the following ethical guidelines at all times.

Personal Responsibilities

  • We are expected to behave in a manner that is above board at all times.

  • We are to abide to the rules, standards, operating procedures and policies at all times.

  • Put the interests and wellbeing of the Company and the Customers first.

Group’s Assets – Ownership and Responsibilities

  • The Serpent Group of companies - Group defines assets as both tangible (physical) and non-tangibles (non-physical – proprietary information, data, formula, trade secrets, goodwill and etc), Tangible would include computers (Desktop, Laptop, tablets, machines, hardware devices etc), mobile devices such as hand phones, besides others that are own by the company, where in the course of work, the employee has access, use or issued as part of our duties to fulfill or meet/accomplish the Group’s activities.

  • It is our duty, due diligence and responsibility to safeguard and protect these assets while in our possession, ensuring that they are not lost/damaged/misused or leaked in any form.

  • Where suspected theft, loss, damage or vandalized is noted, the staff responsible for the asset is to notify his/her immediate supervisor immediately. The supervisor is to conduct an investigation immediately to assess and ascertain the magnitude and damage. The Group CEO shall be notified thereafter. Where necessary or where break-in has occurred, the case shall be reported to the police.

  • Staff responsible for the loss/damage to the asset will bear the cost of repair and or replacement where the loss/damage to the asset arises from negligence/misuse and not through fair wear and tear or system failure.

  • Where loss/leak of vital information and data is concern, the immediate supervisor when made known, shall notify the Group CEO and the Group IT immediately.

Use of Equipment/Premise

  • In the course of work, staff will have access to tools, equipment or the premise to fulfill a given task. Staff is to note that these are company’s property and to be used solely for official purposes and not for personal reasons without prior consent from the management.

  • Employees are to ensure the serviceability of the tools/equipment or premise while in their possession. Any damage must be reported to their immediate supervisor and where negligence is found, the company reserves the rights to seek compensation for the repairs or replacement from the staff involved.

  • Employees are expected to check the serviceability of the tools/equipment or the premise before taking over. Where damages or faults are noted during the taking over, the immediate supervisor is to be notified immediately. He/she shall check the last person using it and determine the culpability. When handing over the person taking back has to check and verify that they are in good serviceable order.

  • Employees are to note that using of these; other than for the purpose and intent of the company’s functions and term of occupations, shall be liable for an offence. Eg using of the

    premise for personal activities or for personal pursuant.

  • If, in pursuant to the investigation and internal inquiry, an employee is found to be directly responsible for the said loss/damage through his/her negligence or default, the employee shall be required to compensate the Company for the loss/damage. The Company shall have the right to deduct from the employee’s salary an amount equivalent to the cost of repair/loss (subject to statutory provisions where applicable).

Code of Conduct

The Code of Business Conduct (the “Code”) applies to all employees. It describes the professional and ethical responsibilities all Serpent Group of companies’ employees are expected to uphold, and provide basic guidelines for conducting business on behalf of Serpent Group of companies .


It is our duty to ensure their information are kept “Confidential”. This information shall not be disclosed to any external parties or to staff without the “need to know.” Our customers’ personal information would include but not limited to personal particulars, credit card information, invoices, accounting information, business information, history and etc.

Staff should seek clarifications from their supervisors if he/she is not sure. Disclosures to third parties will be made only in accordance with applicable law or company policy. Staff is required to sign a Proprietary Information Agreement with the Company. The purpose of this policy is to protect the Company’s valuable business and proprietary information from unauthorized disclosure or access.

Employees are required to maintain confidentiality of all proprietary information and materials which is made known to or access during the course of employment and shall not, at any time during employment or after the employment with the Group, use such information without authorization or communicate them directly or indirectly to any unauthorized person, or retain in possession or control any document, note or information of confidential nature (after termination of employment). Proprietary information shall include, without limitation, information, written or otherwise in computerized nature, pertaining to the Company’s turnover, financial affairs, business plans, products’ formulae, patents, trade secrets, processes, procedures and etc.

In the course of employment, staff involved in projects undertaken by the Company in collaboration with third parties shall, if required, execute confidentiality agreements whether in respect of such projects or otherwise in such form and on such terms as may be determined by the Group.

Employees shall refrain from revealing/discussing their salaries, bonuses and other confidential employment matters such as, but not limited to, Company’s turnover, financial affairs, business plans, products’ formulae, patents, trade secrets, processes, procedures and etc with their fellow colleagues and third parties who do not have any participations rights or involvement.

A breach of this provision shall constitute a breach of confidentiality and may result in disciplinary procedure taken against the relevant employee.

Non-Competition/Non – Solicitation

Due to the nature of the Company’s business and staff access to the Company’s proprietary information and trade secrets, staff is required to sign a Non competition Agreement. Staff will be subjected to the provisions stated in the non-competition/ solicitation declaration.

Employees shall not during and at any time for the period of thirty-six (36) months after termination of employment (“Non-Solicitation Period”) either on his/her own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, solicit or entice away or attempt to solicit or entice away from the Company the customer or any person, firm, company or organization who shall at any time within one year prior to the date of termination of his/her employment have been a customer or client or in the habit of dealing with the Company and/or whom he/she have had significant contact with in the course of his/her employment.

An employee shall not during the Non-Solicitation Period either for his/her own account or as representative or agent for any third party, persuade, induce, encourage or procure any staff currently in employment by the Group or whose employment with the Group was terminated within the previous year to become employed by or interested directly or indirectly in any manner in any business which is in competition with the business carried on by the Group or terminate his employment with the Group.

An employee shall not during and at any time for the period of twelve (12) months after termination of employment (“Non–Compete Period”) do or permit any of the following to be done without the prior written consent of the Company:

a. Directly or indirectly (whether solely or jointly with or on behalf of any person, firm or corporation or otherwise) carry on or be engaged or interested in any capacity in any other business, trade or occupation whatsoever which competes with the business or proposed business being carried on by the Company; or

b. Assist any person, firm or company with advice and/or information in relation to any activity or business which shall be in competition with the business or proposed business of the Company; or

c. Cause or permit any person or company directly or indirectly under his/her control or in which he/she have a controlling or beneficial interest to do any of the foregoing acts or things. Notwithstanding the above, the employee shall be entitled to enter into employment with any other related corporation of the Company, unless he/she left on disciplinary grounds. However he/she shall still maintains the confidentiality of information as spelled out in the above-mentioned paragraphs.

Attendance and Punctuality

Reliable, consistent attendance is a requirement and essential function of all staff positions. Employees are expected to be punctual and dependable in order to meet the needs of their respective department(s). When employees are absent or tardy, work and service are interrupted and an additional burden is placed on colleagues. Attendance and reliability are important factors in evaluating individual performance and continued employment.

If your absence can be anticipated, consult your immediate supervisor and obtain authorization to be absent for a specific period in advance. If you are unexpectedly delayed or unable to come to work for any reason, you must personally contact your appropriate supervisor immediately allowing the supervisor to adjust the department’s work assignments before the start of the workday. Each department has its own procedures and policies that are specific to the nature of its work – be sure you, as an employee, understand your department’s attendance guidelines, expectations, and procedures for calling in.

You should be the one to call in; your supervisor will need to speak directly with you to make alternate arrangements for the work you would have done that day. Relatives or friends should not call on your behalf unless you are medically unable to do so yourself. You must speak directly with your supervisor rather than a co-worker, unless that individual is officially authorized by your department to accept call in notices. As a general rule, we recommend that you do not leave your message on voice mail.

Great stories have a personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide, general audience in mind, your story will sound fake and lack emotion. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.

Absenteeism and Tardiness


It is vital to the Organization for all employees to have reliable attendance. Absenteeism and tardiness negatively impact our ability to effectively provide Organization services. The purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for reporting absences, to provide guidelines for the handling of tardiness, early departures, and unscheduled absences, and to outline employees' need to adhere to established work schedules to maintain efficient, effective operations throughout the Organization.

who is governed by this policy:

This policy applies to all employees.

Policy statement:

Staff employees must arrive and be prepared to commence work at their scheduled start time. Employees are responsible for notifying their supervisor of absences, late arrivals, or early departures. Unscheduled absences, tardiness, and unscheduled early departures (whether excused or unexcused), failure to provide appropriate notification, or abuse of sick leave or other paid time off may result in corrective action.

Training and Development

The Serpent Group of companies believes in the training and development of its employees. It is important for employees to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge and attitude to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively.

External Training and Workshops

Staff wishes to attend any training or seminar conducted by external parties should first seek approval from their respective supervisors. The immediate supervisor’s recommendation and management approval must be obtained before enrollment or attend a work related external training or workshop during office hours. The staff will have to submit the approval email together with the training or workshop details to the HR department. Sponsorships for trainings or workshops would be subjected to management’s discretion.

On approval staff must indicate the training period in their respective time cards, submit a copy of the certificate of attendance or training or workshop completion immediately after the training period. Should the external training or workshop provider cannot or do not issue certificate of attendance or completion, the staff must ask the training provider’s authorized representative to sign and acknowledge in the company’s Training Attendance Form. This action is a part of the procedure we should follow for the ISO standards.

Reimbursement of Odoo Certification:

- The employee will get the full reimbursement of one time Odoo certification fees upon showing the proof of purchase and passing the exam.

-  The certification amount will be paid after 2 months of the completion of certification 
- This also entitles the candidate's certificate will be linked to SerpentCS' Odoo Partnership Portal.
- As the company is paying for the certification fees, it is an ethical entitlement from the employee to serve the knowledge and prepare good resource pool.

- There is no mandatory lock-in applied, but a responsibility that the knowledge and the badge earned should be upheld from a moral standpoint.

Employment Classification

Employment classification is a scheme of classifying a job according to the current responsibilities and duties associated with the job. It is different than job design in that the person assigned to the job is not taken into consideration. Jobs are classified with the purpose of studying jobs in a holistic perspective.

Job classifications group’s jobs into various grades, each grade having a certain specific class description and many times a pay scale that is used for job comparisons. Often the title is also assigned on the basis of grade arrived at after the job classification.

Employment Classifications at Serpent Group of companies

A) Permanent

Employees working according to the company’s schedule on a full-time, based on the terms and conditions agreed in the Letter of Employment (LOE). Permanent employees are eligible for the benefits or package, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of each benefits program and what has been agreed in the LOE.

If Employee resigns he/she needs to serve 2 months notice period at least, final decision will be in hand of HR & Management Team.

B) Contract

Employees who are hired as interim replacements to temporarily supplement the workforce or to assist in the completion of a specific project and who are temporarily scheduled to work the company’s full-time schedule for a limited duration. Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change in employment status. Contract employees are eligible for the benefits or package, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of each benefits program and what has been agreed in the LOE.

C) Internship

Interns are temporary staff hired as an interim measure for on-the-job training. There is a possibility where interns could be qualified for an actual job placement. Temporary staff is not eligible for company benefits unless specifically stated otherwise in the respective LOE. Terms and Conditions of individual employment may differ according to the agreement stated in the respective LOE.

D) Probation Period

All employees regardless of category shall serve a minimum probationary period of three (3) months or more, as stipulated in the Letter of Employment, with effect from the date of commencement of employment. Where the probationary period stated above is different than that stipulated in LOE, the LOE shall prevail over the above provision and be adhered to. The immediate supervisor is to give monthly feedbacks to employees under their charge of their performance. The Probation feedback form 24 shall be handed to HR.

Probationary period may be extended if it is deemed necessary. Employees shall be notified 2 weeks before the end of the probation through a formal notification like Mail,  the Immediate Supervisor and HR ,which must be acknowledged and signed by the affected employee.

An employee under probation will be confirmed only when he/she receives the official letter of confirmation, without which the employee may not assume that he/she has been confirmed. The probation period will be extended as per leaves of employee.

If Employee resigns during probation period he/she needs to serve 2 months notice period at least, final decision will be in hand of HR & Management Team.

Promotion & Transfer

Employees may be transferred between branches or locations or companies within The Serpent Group of companies at the management’s discretion. While requests for specific location may be considered on a case-by-case basis, the management retains the right to assign employees to different locations and thereby different working hours.

As soon as Appraisal or Employment will take place there will be 3 months lock - in period, during that time neither Employee can resign from the Job nor Company can relieve. this is in regards to the purpose of the appraisal which always based on the past performance and expected future performance. Final decision will be on the Management in case of any discrepancies.

If employee doesn't accept offered increment letter because of any reason, he/she is OK to serve 2 months notice period if they resigns but if someone doesn't accept the letter and accepts again then there will be 3months lock in period as per rule and the offer will applicable after 3 months. 

Resignation & Termination

An employee service may be terminated by the company on the immediate basis if employee is doing any malpractice in the organization or if employee found guilty for any unethical activity. 

If Employee resigns they need to serve 2 months notice period at least, final decision will be in the hand of HR & Management Team. Employees must not be given any leave during their notice period and If they will take any leaves for valid reasons(In case of an emergency max 2 leaves are allowed) the notice period is going to be extend accordingly. 

In case of Resignation or Termination Employees are not entitled for reimbursement on their pending leaves(any type)

2) Other Compensation or Benefits

You acknowledge that, you will not receive any additional compensation or benefits after the Resignation Date. 

3) Return of Company Property

By the Resignation Date, you agree to return to the Company all Company documents (and all copies thereof) and other Company property that you have had in your possession at any time, but not limited to, Company files, notes, records, business plans and forecasts, financial information, specifications, computer-recorded information, tangible/intangible property any materials or confidential information of the Company (and all reproductions thereof).

4) Proprietary Information Obligations

Both during and after your employment you acknowledge your continuing obligations under your Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement not to use or disclose any confidential or proprietary information of the Company without prior written authorization from a duly authorized representative of the Company.

5) Non-disparagement

Both you and the Company agree not to disparage the other party, and the other party's officers, directors, employees, shareholders and agents, in any manner likely to be harmful to them or their business, business reputation or personal reputation. provided that both you and the Company will respond accurately and fully to any question, inquiry or request for information when required by legal process. The communication regarding your resignation of employment shall be subject to both parties reasonable approval.

6) Non-solicitation

You agree that you will not directly or indirectly solicit, entice, induce, or encourage any employee, consultant, or independent contractor of the Company to terminate his or her relationship with the Company in order to become an employee, consultant, or independent contractor to or for any other person or entity.

7) Assistance with Areas of Responsibilities

Without requiring additional compensation, you hereby agree to provide reasonable assistance to the Company with questions concerning areas of responsibilities with which you were familiar during your employment, to the extent that the Company believes such assistance is useful. 

8) Release

In exchange for the payments and other consideration under this Agreement to which you would not otherwise be entitled, you hereby release, acquit and forever discharge the Company, officers, directors, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, shareholders, successors, assigns and affiliates, of and from any and all claims, liabilities, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, attorneys fees, damages, indemnities and obligations of every kind and nature, in law, equity, or otherwise, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to agreements, events, acts or conduct at any time prior to and including the execution date of this Agreement, including but not limited to: all such claims and demands directly or indirectly arising out of or in any way connected with your employment with the Company or the termination of that employment; claims or demands related to salary, bonuses, commissions, or any other ownership interests in the Company, expense reimbursements, or any other form of compensation; wrongful discharge; discrimination; harassment; fraud; defamation; emotional distress; and breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.


You acknowledge that you are knowingly and voluntarily waiving and releasing any rights you may have under the Serpent rules, as amended. You also acknowledge that the consideration given for the waiver and release in the preceding paragraph hereof is in addition to anything of value to which you were already entitled. You further acknowledge that you have been advised by this writing, as required by the Serpent, that: your waiver and release do not apply to any rights or claims that may arise after the execution date of this Agreement.

You acknowledge that you will not be reapplying for any post at Serpentcs for the period of minimum one year from the date you signed this document.​


We will update the content soon!

Outside Employment

Staff is not permitted to engage in outside work or to hold other jobs, without prior written approval from the Human Resource, subject to restrictions as outlined below.

A) Activities and conduct of the job must not compete, conflict with or compromise the company interests or affect the job performance and the ability to fulfill all job responsibilities. Employees are prohibited from performing any service for customers during their nonworking time. This prohibition also extends to the unauthorized use of any company tools or equipment and the unauthorized use or application of any confidential information. Employees are not permitted to solicit or conduct any outside business during their official working hours.

B) Employees are advised to weigh the demands of the additional work or activity before accepting. Outside employment will not be considered as an excuse for poor performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel or refusal to work overtime or different hours. If The Serpent Group of companies  determines that an employee’s outside work interferes with the performance, the employee may be asked to terminate his/her outside employment.

C) Employees are not allowed to use their paid sick leave to supplement or compensate their other job. Fraudulent use of sick leave will result in disciplinary procedure.

Work Professionalism & Company Responsibilty

Personal Responsibilities

We take great pride in our staff. As employees of The Serpent Group of companies, we abide to all applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations, The Serpent Group of companies’ policies, including this Code, and all other standards of ethical conduct.

Employees should promptly report any violation of such laws, rules, regulations and policies to their Immediate Supervisor or appropriate authority within the company.

This would allow the management to take immediate actions to contain and rectify the problem Immediately. Employees should read, understand and adhere to the provisions in the Employee Handbook.

The Handbook explains The Serpent Group of companies’ rules and policies on various issues and is updated periodically to keep it up to date.

Attitude towards work and colleagues

Integrity is the core foundation of The Serpent Group of companies. Staff is required to be man and woman of high integrity. Integrity is the foundation of character. The very hallmark of people with high integrity is that they consistently produce the highest quality of work in everything they do.

They are the people who are always totally honest with themselves, and strive to produce excellent work in everything they do whether or not they are supervised. People with high integrity understand that everything they do is a declaration about who they are as a person. All of us make mistakes one time or another. If you make a mistake in your work, do own up and have it fixed.

You should not push the blame away or sweep it under the carpet. At the same time, you should be opened to; and accept counsel from your Supervisor or colleague. In the course of your work, if you are not humble to acknowledge your mistakes, or accept any corrections by your Supervisor/colleague, and strive to improve yourself, you would not progress further. ‘Trust' and ‘respect' are critical to strengthen all good relationships. Building trust and respect takes time and effort but it has far-reaching benefits for you, your colleagues and ultimately the Organization.

Loyalty is another pillar of importance we expect from all staff; as we journey together to achieve our missions and attain our Spirit of Excellence. Our loyalty must be with The Serpent Group of companies  and not with any others. We must uphold and protect all areas concerning the Group’s assets, products and information.

As a customer-centric industry, we are expected to ensure our customers are not discriminated but respected, welcomed, feeling being important, feeling extremely satisfied after the visit and yearning for the next appointment. The way you present and carry yourself at work will have a direct impact on the Company’s image and reputation in the eyes of our customers and the world outside the company.

This courtesy begins with you. Treat your colleagues with courtesy and respect in every form of interaction and communication. At The Serpent Group of companies, we work together as a TEAM with a common objective. There should be no segregation among employees or departments.

If you are not a team player, then you are not suitable for The Serpent Group of companies. Employees should not go about gossiping or badmouth one another. Remember, “ What goes around comes around ”. It is unwise to treat your Supervisor as your enemy. Insubordination will not be tolerated at The Serpent Group of companies. If you are unhappy with your Supervisor for any reason, you should channel your concerns to the Human Resource for recourse.

As an act of courtesy, staff should acknowledge all work related emails, so that the sender is aware that the mail is being looked into.

Workplace Etiquettes & Professionalism

Staff are expected to make efforts to dress and present yourself well at work. Others may judge you on your personal appearance. Staff should approach your immediate supervisor for all matters of concerns. However if your supervisor is unable to assist you, you could raise it to the HR Department who will assist you accordingly.

A professional appearance is important anytime that you come in contact with customers or potential customers. Employees should be well groomed and dressed appropriately for our business and for their position in particular.


During Working Days(All)

Formal wear : Shirt, trouser, and shoes. Or

Smart casual wear: Shirt/collared T-shirt, jeans, sports/casual shoes.

Special Occasions

(Client Visit,Meeting, Formal Events)

Formal wear: Shirt, trouser, and shoes.  


During Working Days(All)
Formal wear: Saree; Salwar kameez with dupatta; Leggings with kurti; Western shirt and trouser with shoes. Or  Smart casual wear: T-shirt, jeans and sports shoes.

Special Occasions

(Client Visit,Meeting, Formal Events)

Formal wear: Saree; Salwar kameez with dupatta; Leggings with kurti; Western shirt and trouser with shoes.

Every Employee needs to take a Note that Shorts, half pants & three fourth pants are not allowed in the Company. 

Office Hours

Total Working Hours of Serpent Group of companies is 9 hours, which includes 1 hour of lunch break. If in any case employees are not able to work more than 6 hours for any specific reason they need to go for half day leave. 

For the betterment of Employees, the company provides flexible work timings to the Employees. Timings are as below.

Monday To Friday, except holidays.

  • 09:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • 09:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

  • 10:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m.

  • 10:30 a.m. to 07:30 p.m.

  • 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

All Saturday & Sunday will be Holiday.

Break Timings

Generally LunchBreak timings are 01:00 PM to 2:00 PM for all the Employees.

Note : Employees can request the management for the flexibility in the timing on specific conditions only.

Energy Conservation Policy (NEW)

An important policy update aimed at promoting energy conservation within our Organization. Effective immediately, we will be implementing a policy regarding the usage of lights and air conditioning (AC) in our office premises.
Policy Guidelines:

Lights Usage:

- Please ensure that lights are turned off in areas that are not being used, including conference rooms, meeting rooms, pantry and restrooms.

AC Usage:

- The AC should be set to a reasonable temperature to maintain a comfortable working environment.

- It is essential to turn off the AC when leaving the office for an extended period, such as going to lunch breaks/tea breaks and at the end of the workday.


To encourage compliance with the policy, the following penalties will be in effect:

- Leaving lights or AC on during weekdays (Monday to Thursday) after office hours: A penalty of 500 INR will be imposed.

- Leaving lights or AC on during the last working day of a week (Friday): A penalty of 5000 INR will be imposed.


- The last person to leave each cabin or area will be responsible for ensuring that the AC and lights are switched off. This ensures that the premises are properly secured and unnecessary equipment is turned off.

We kindly request your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. Together, we can make a significant impact in conserving energy and creating a sustainable workplace environment.

Please contact HR Department If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this policy.

Rules, Policies & Procedures

At The Serpent Group of companies, we have various sets of rules, policies and procedures for different requirements. 

Do's and Dont's while dealing with Overseas Customers


There are no Sir/Madam adjectives need to be added, address the person directly with first name; regardless the designation or age.

Document Speaks

Everything should be documented from the scratch, if your meetings are on WebEx/GoTo/Skype/Hangout then either record the conversation or ask them at the beginning if they will take “Meeting Minutes(notes)” or they want us to take and send at the end of the call every single time. Keep track of everything discussed, this avoids a lot of problems.


Once you agree on the timeline try not to delay. On the safer side, keep one or two days in spare when you give estimation. Ask 100 questions if needed to but DON’T bluff or pretend that you know everything. Its okay to be dumb then to be dishonest.


Developers, try not to be the direct point of contact with the client but If you have to directly approach for some reason then always put your lead/BA in CC so that if something goes wrong in future he/she can vouch for you.

No news is still NEWS

Always acknowledge emails as soon as you get them, even if the update is not ready just send reply saying “we are still working, will get back to you soon.” or anything polite like that. Never leave an email unattended at the EOD.

Talk / Chat

Use greetings everyday, and try to have casual talk as well. Example, talk about weather, talk about how was their day so far, or family/kids or any ongoing common topic that is not related to work. But limited so the focus of the work is not diverted.

Never answer ‘ok’ when unsure. ‘ok’ and ‘yes’ are the enemies of communication at the end of the day! Always inform in chat when you are calling it a day.

Pre-inform if you are on leave, or a holiday. Never use CAPITAL letters in chat, it shows arrogance.

Use Thank you and Sorry more often.

Avoid using multiple question marks.

Never respond ‘ what? ’, instead write ‘Sorry, I did not get you, would you please simplify?’ Or ‘Pardon me, repeat please’.


The ability to really listen to customers is so crucial for providing great      service for a number of reasons. Be attentive to every word written / spoken.

Argue with calm

When you don’t agree on certain point and want to put your idea in execution, then say it positively like, you are right but in my past experience I have noticed that if we do it this way then result will be more quick and accurate, do you mind trying my approach? If they still insist on using their approach then agree to disagree but sugar quote and let them know your point. Be polite but NOT desperate. Never answer with CANNOT attitude.


If you have to sign any delivery contract then make sure you read it carefully before signing to avoid getting caught in any legal matter.

Be Open to Learn

Learning is endless, always appreciate when you hear something new

Personnel Data change

It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify their supervisor or Human Resources Department of any changes in personnel data such as:

  • Mailing address,   
  • Telephone numbers,
  • Name and contact number(s) /  email(s) of dependents, and
  • Individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency.

An employee’s personnel data should be accurate and current at all times. This helps the organization keep ready with enough directions to handle any emergency.

Use of Pantry Utilities

We will update the content soon...

Our Workplace

The Company has invested much in the workplace to ensure we are able to work comfortably and efficiently. We should keep the workplace clean and tidy at all times as we would to your own home.

We strive to be a ‘green’ company. We take the environment seriously and will do what we can to help save the world. This means we use less chemical, conserve energy and use less paper where possible. Remember, every little bit helps.

Smoke Free Workplace

We define smoking as the "act of lighting, smoking or carrying a lighted or smoldering cigar, cigarettes, pipe of any kind, including electronic cigarettes." Smoking in any form is prohibited in all the premises of  The Serpent Group of Companies including areas while in overseas exhibitions or presentations. Employees who violate the smoking policy will be subjected to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.

Drug Free Workplace

We are committed to a drug and/or alcohol free workplace. This policy does not prohibit employees from the lawful use and possession of prescribed medications. Employees must, however, consult with their doctors about the medications’ effect on their fitness for duty and ability to work safely and promptly disclose any work restrictions to their Supervisor.


The Company places great emphasis on good discipline at the workplace. It pains us to take disciplinary actions and it’s only used as our last option. However where errant staff is concern, they may be subjected to disciplinary procedure (including dismissal). Disciplinary procedure, ranges from Counselling, Warnings (verbal or and written) to more severe actions such as Board of Inquiry, Termination or Dismissal. Employees who commit criminal acts shall be subjected to immediate termination and/or possible civil or criminal prosecution. Obstructing or undermining investigations, withholding or destroying information, including failing to report a violation, or providing misleading information are violations of this Code.

Disciplinary procedure could be taken against an employee for the following misconducts:

A) Examples of misconducts that may result in immediate dismissal following an inquiry

  • Fraud, Criminal Breach of Trust.
  • Unauthorized use of Company equipment for personal reasons.
  • Theft, misappropriation or unauthorized removal of Company’s property or of property belonging to others.
  • Sabotage including deliberately misusing, damaging, destroying or losing Company’s property or property of others.
  • Falsifying any record or declaring false information in application for employment.
  • Reporting to work drunk or when working ability is impaired by the use of intoxicants or narcotics; taking or in possession of intoxicants or narcotics at the Company’s premises.
  • Conduct that is deemed to be immoral or indecent and/or unlawful, for e.g. outraging modesty of another employee, using obscene language, signs or gestures in a mixed group.
  • A conviction for any crime in a court of law in India or any other country.
  • Disclosing to unauthorized person of any confidential information/Company secrets.
  • Committing or attempting to commit deception, fraud or a fraudulent act involving the Company and/or the Company’s assets/property and/or to the Company’s clients/suppliers database or information.
  • Accepting gifts and/or tips from customers/ suppliers without declaring them to the Company. This is equivalent to accepting bribes and shall be dealt with severely by the Company.
  • Lending to/borrowing money from colleagues with interest and soliciting business under any Multi-Level Marketing or similar schemes.
  • Others that contravenes to the prejudice of good conduct.

B) Examples of misconducts which may warrant a warning and/or other disciplinary actions

  • Insubordination
  • Sleeping during working hours (Not sick or unwell).
  • Misbehavior, for e.g. provoking, instigating or participating in any kind of violence or fight.
  • Absence from work without official leave or tardiness.
  • Making false or malicious statements/allegation against any fellow employee or the Company.
  • Intimidating, threatening or harassing other employees at work.
  • Soliciting or collecting contributions for any purpose whatsoever at any time at the workplace, unless authorized by the Human Resources Department.
  • Distributing written or printed matter of any description within the Company’s premises without approval from management.
  • Intentionally withholding material information from Immediate Supervisor in relation to work.
  • Smoking within the office premises.
  • Occupying oneself with their mobile phones by uniformed staff while on duty.
  • Hogging the phone for social communications in a non-emergency situation during office hours giving a poor image to customers and colleagues.
  • Reading storybooks, magazines, newspapers and other non-company related literature is not acceptable.
  • Playing/listening to music Loudly other than what is being broadcast  in workplace, as this does not show a good image. (Exception is the usage limited to personal)
  • Consuming food within the work premises which disturbs the colleagues around and spread odors.
  • Abuse/misuse of benefits provided for the employee’s sole use such as medical benefits.
  • Taking medical leave for purposes other than medical reason.
  • Gambling within the company’s premises.
  • Others that affects image of the company.

If Employees are going Client side whether it's in same City or other City they need to take approval from Management.


Employee found to be involved in fraud, deception or intent to cheat the Company and/or the Company’s clients would be subjected to disciplinary procedure. The found-guilt employee shall be required to pay back to the Company all prior monetary gains derived from this event. The Company may also lodge police report(s) and take legal actions against the said employee.

Criminal Breach of Trust(CBT)

The Company defines CBT as an employee entrusted with property (cash or kind) or has dominion over property, and dishonestly misappropriates or converts to his/her own use that property, he/she may be liable for the offence of CBT. If he/she dishonestly uses that property in a way in violation of the law or of any legal contract, he/she may also be liable to the same offence.

CBT could also come in the form of “kickbacks”, misappropriation or accepting bribes, where employee entrusted, or has dominion to collect/receive the correct amount of products, services or money due to the company, in exchange for favours, cash, services, products, be it tangibles or intangibles having a monetary value, directly for himself/herself or indirectly to his kin/associate shall be liable to the same offence.

Offenders will be duly investigated and those found liable will be subjected to disciplinary procedure. The Group also reserves the rights to take any legal actions deem fit to recover all losses.

Non Disclousre Agreement

The protection of confidential business information and trade secrets is vital to the interests and success of the Serpent Group of Companies. Such confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:

  • Compensation Data
  • Financial information
  • Marketing strategies
  • Pending projects and proposals
  • Proprietary Production processes
  • Personnel/Payroll records
  • Customer Projects and relevant data, and

Conversations between any persons associated with the company. All employees are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of employment.

Employees who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment and legal action, even if they do not actually benefit from the disclosed information.

During working hours whatever Business accounts (related to company business interest) are used even though with the personal ids, will be liable to register back to company when the relieving happens.

Clean & Clear desk policy

Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. is allowing their employees to have/grab snacks on their respective desks but it should be in proper/disciplinary way.

Scope & Objective

This policy covers all employees of Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd., trainees, and consultants.

The policy is effective immediately.

All should familiarize themselves with the guidelines of this policy and ensure adherence.

Accountability & Responsibility

Employee can have/grab snacks on their respective desks only.

Always use trash/Dustbins after using any food packet.

Make sure your food should not be stink so that you and your colleague can able to get fresh and proper working environment.

It’s your responsibility & accountability to make sure your desk should be clean.

Standard of Conduct


Sexual Harassment is the “behavioral execution of a defective, discriminating, imposing mentality to cause discomfort, shame and insult.”

Sexual harassment of a woman in workplace is of serious concern to humanity on the whole. It cannot be construed to be in a narrow sense, as it may include sexual advances and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. The victims of sexual harassment face psychological and health effects like stress, depression, anxiety, shame, guilt and so on.

In this regard, to tackle the problem of sexual harassment, the Ministry of Women and Child Development (“Ministry”), by a Notification dated December 9, 2013 passed the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (the “Act”) which became effective from December 9, 2013. The Ministry also made the rules with regard to the same effective from the same date. These rules are called the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013 (the “Rules”).

Internal Complaint Committee

All workplaces that have 10 employees or more are required to constitute an Internal  Committee (“IC”), as per the Act which provides that where the offices or administrative units of the workplace are located at different places or divisional or sub-divisional level, the IC shall have to be constituted at all administrative units or offices.

The Act provides for a minimum of four members for the IC and states that half of IC members will necessarily have to be women and that among the four members, a presiding officer for IC will have to be appointed, and it will have to be a woman at a senior level in that office.

IC for Serpent Group of Companies

  • Dhwani Vora (COO)
  • Priyanka Radiya (HR)
  • Hemangini Patel (Team Leader)
  • Husen Daudi (MD)

  • Jay Vora (MD)

Grievance Redressal Mechanism in case of a complaint

Any aggrieved woman can file a complaint of sexual harassment to IC within 3 months of the incident. The period within which one can file the complaint can also be extended to another period of three months. Also, where the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint due to her physical incapacity, her legal heir, relative or friend, co-worker, an officer of the National Commission for Women or State Women’s Commission may make a complaint to the IC on her behalf, with her permission. Also, if the woman is suffering from mental incapacity, a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist or the guardian or authority under whose care she is receiving treatment or care, can file a complaint before the IC.

IC, before it initiates inquiry, may try to concile between the parties, if the aggrieved woman requests but monetary settlement cannot be the basis of conciliation. If conciliation is not possible, IC will inquire into the complaint and give both parties a chance to be heard and complete the inquiry in 90 days. During the inquiry process of being heard, neither party will be allowed to bring their lawyer.

Post inquiry, IC will have to prepare an inquiry report giving recommendations on the matter, in 10 days, and give a copy of the same to the organization / company and the concerned parties. The organization / company will have to act on the recommendations in 60 days. The Act also provides that if a victim is dissatisfied with the findings of IC, she can appeal to a Court / tribunal. IC has been assigned with the responsibility to submit an annual report on the no. of cases that arose and got settled during the year to the company and the company further has been mandated to include this information in its annual report and in cases of companies which do not prepare annual report, the companies are required to intimate such number of cases to the District Officer.

  • The Complaints Committees have the powers of civil courts for gathering evidence.
  • The Complaints Committees are required to provide for conciliation before initiating an inquiry, if requested by the complainant.
  • The inquiry process under the Act should be confidential and the Act lays down a penalty of Rs 5000 on the person who has breached confidentiality.
  • The Act requires employers to conduct education and sensitization programmes and develop policies against sexual harassment, among other obligations.
  • Penalties have been prescribed for employers. Non-compliance with the provisions of the Act shall be punishable with a fine of up to ₹ 50,000. Repeated violations may lead to higher penalties and cancellation of license or registration to conduct business.
  • Government can order an officer to inspect workplace and records related to sexual harassment in any organisation.
  • Under the Act, which also covers students in schools and colleges as well as patients in hospitals, employers and local authorities will have to set up grievance committees to investigate all complaints. Employers who fail to comply will be punished with a fine of up to 50,000 INR.
  • Through the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, Section 354 was added to the Indian Penal Code that stipulates what consists of a sexual harassment offense and what the penalties shall be for a man committing such an offense. Penalties range from one to three years imprisonment and/or a fine. Additionally, with sexual harassment being a crime, employers are obligated to report offenses.

Substance Abuse

The Company is committed to providing a safe and productive workplace for its employees. In keeping with this commitment, the following rules regarding alcohol and drugs of abuse have been established for all staff members, regardless of rank or position, including both regular and temporary employees. The rules apply during working hours to all employees of the Company while they are on Company premises or elsewhere on Company business. The manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, or purchase of controlled substances of abuse on Company property is prohibited. Being under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or substances of abuse on Company property is prohibited.

Working while under the influence of prescription drugs that impair performance is prohibited.

Complaint Process

Individuals who believe they have been the victim of conduct prohibited by this policy statement or who believe they have witnessed such conduct should discuss their concerns with their immediate supervisor, Human Resource or any member of management promptly.

Any reported allegations of harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be investigated promptly. The investigation may include individual interviews and statements recorded with the parties involved and, where necessary, with individuals who may have observed the alleged conduct or may have other relevant knowledge. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation process to the extent consistent with adequate investigation and appropriate corrective action.

Retaliation against an individual for reporting harassment or discrimination or for participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination is a serious violation of this policy and, like harassment or discrimination itself, will be subjected to disciplinary procedure. Where false and malicious complaint of harassment, discrimination or retaliation is/are discovered, appropriate disciplinary procedure shall be taken against the complainant/offender/s.

Conduct prohibited by these policies is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related setting outside the workplace, such as during business trips, business meetings and business-related social events.

Standard Salary Structure

PF (Provident Fund)

Employees’ Provident Fund

Employees’ Provident Fund is a small saving scheme that is offered to Indian workers as well as international workers through the EPFO of India. The scheme allows accumulation of funds as well as accrual of interest on the accumulated funds. The funds thus collected are made of contributions partly from employees and partly from their employers.

Universal Account Number(UAN) system was started in October 2014 to allow portability of provident fund accounts of employees in case of change of employment. The 12-digit UAN is also helpful in keeping track of the provident fund account details and allows a centralised login to conduct many additional functions related to a provident fund account.

Rules pertaining to Employees’ Provident Fund

Contributions from employees as well as employers add to the EPF However, unlike what is commonly thought to be, the entire portion of contribution from an employer doesn’t go exclusively towards the Employees’ Provident Fund. The division of funds as of November 2015 is mentioned as follows –

  1. 12% of Contribution of Employee goes directly towards Employees’ Provident Fund
  2. 12% of Contribution of Employer is divided as follows –    
  3. 3.67% of contribution towards Employees’ Provident Fund
  4. 8.33% of contribution towards Employee's’ Pension Scheme
  5. 0.65% of contribution towards EPF Administration Charges 
  6. 0.5% of contribution towards EDLI Administration Charges

Please follow the below given link for PF details.

Click Here

Steps to apply for EPF withdrawal online

Step 1: Go to the UAN portal by clicking here http://www.epfindia.com

Step 2: Login with your UAN and password and enter the captcha.

Step 3: Then, click on the tab ‘Manage’ and select KYC to check whether your KYC details such as Aadhaar, PAN and bank details are correct and verified or not.

Step 4: After the KYC details are verified, go to the tab Online Services’ and select the option ‘Claim’ form the dropdown menu.

Step 5:  The ‘Claim’ screen will display the member details, KYC details and other service details. Click on the tab ‘Proceed For Online Claim’ to submit your claim form.

Step 6:  In the claim form, select the claim you require i.e full EPF Settlement, EPF Part withdrawal (loan / advance) or pension withdrawal, under the tab ‘I Want To Apply For’. If the member is not eligible for any of the services like PF withdrawal or pension withdrawal, due to the service criteria, then that option will not be shown in the drop-down menu.

ESI(Employee State Insurance)

E.S.I. Scheme being contributory in nature, all the employees in the factories or establishments to which the Act applies shall be insured in a manner provided by the Act. The contribution payable to the Corporation in respect of an employee shall comprise of employer's contribution and employee's contribution at a specified rate. The rates are revised from time to time. Currently, the employee's contribution rate (w.e.f. 1.1.97) is 1.75% of the wages and that of employer's is 4.75% of the wages paid/payable in respect of the employees in every wage period. Employees in receipt of a daily average wage upto Rs.100/- are exempted from payment of contribution. Employers will however contribute their own share in respect of these employees.

Collection of Contribution

An employer is liable to pay his contribution in respect of every employee and deduct employee's contribution from wages bill and shall pay these contributions at the above specified rates to the Corporation within 21 days of the last day of the Calendar month in which the contributions fall due. The Corporation has authorized designated branches of the State Bank of India and some other banks to receive the payments on its behalf.

  • Self Financing,social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers.
  • Managed by ESI Corporation.
  • Started in India in 1948 for factory workers.
  • Today it Provides security to all employees from all Industries.


Any person Employed in Company having salary less than or equal to 21000.


Every Employee has to pay 0.75% of Gross salary and Employer has to pay 3.25% of the wages towards ESI contribution.

TDS (Tax Deduct at Source)

We will update the content soon!

PT (Professional Tax)

Professional Tax in India

There is a special kind of tax levied on salaried individuals and people engaged in profession, trade and calling in India and it is called Professional tax. The tax has to be paid to the state government and the professional tax amount to be paid depends on the income of the individual in accordance with the income tax slab rates of that state. Professional tax has been in practice for a long time. The maximum amount of professional tax that can be levied is Rs.2,500 per year.The total amount of professional tax paid during the year qualifies for deduction under the Income tax act, 1961.

Gujarat Professional Tax Slab Rates

Monthly Income of the Tax Payer
Professional Tax Amount Payable
For salary up to Rs.5,999
For salary between Rs.6,000 to Rs.8,999
For salary between Rs.9,000 to Rs.11,999
For salary of Rs.12,000 and above

Employee Benefits

Opendoor Policy

Serpent Companies are having Open Door Policy for their employees, if employees are having any concern related to their work or if they are having any problems then they can even directly go to the Management and can share their concerns.

Onsite Opportunity

As Serpent Companies are working with more than 174 Countries in world wide, it’s Employees are having golden opportunity to work with Foreign Clients.

While Employees are working onsite for the company, Company is providing allowances for food, travel and accommodation from company. This actually varies from customer to customer, keeping our core purpose of ease of routine for the employee.

Staff working onsite if asked to work on weekends on client's assignments, will work on the asked schedule considering a usual responsibility. However, In an extreme need of working on weekends if there is a GO Live or Project needs; it should undergo management approval to count it as compensatory or not getting the client approval keeping the project leader and management in loop.

Traveling allowance may differ from locations; if any employee is going out inside the state then he/she will be provided with BUS or cab for traveling; if any employee is traveling outside the state then he/she will be provided with air OR train (tier 3 A/C or tier 2 A/C) tickets as per company; if any employee is going outside the country then he will be provided with air ticket.

If Employee is onsite for more than 3 working weeks, he/she is liable for special onsite allowances, that allowance will take place only after the completion of onsite lock in period which is 6 months for International and 3 months for Domestic onsite visit.

Car Loan Policy


This Policy is available to all the employees of Senior level i.e., Sr. Software Developers, Team Leader, Product Manager, Project Manager, Department Head and above in India who would like to opt for a loan from the company for buying a Car. 


  1. Employees should submit all the relevant documents declaring the actual value of the car.
  2. The EMIs are recovered on a monthly basis from the date of Delivery of the Car.
  3. Invoice should be in the name of the Employee only specifying the cost of the car, color, and particulars of payment.
  4. The Employee also needs to sign the Car Loan Agreement prepared by the Company.

    Any employee is eligible for only one type of loan at a time.
    i.e. If a personal loan is going on, one can not apply for a Car loan.

  5. Once the management approves the car loan for an employee there will be 2 years lock in period for an employee so, during the lock in period the employee can not go for resignation.
  6. If the employee fails to pay EMIs, the company has all the rights to deposit the Cheque given by the employee at the time of the car loan process. 
  7. Maximum loan amount for employees will be 30% of the total CAR amount or 30% employee’s yearly salary, whichever is lower.
    i.e if the CAR is amounting 5L, max loan amount will be 1.5L AND if the yearly salary is 4L loan amount will be 1.2L.
  8. The employee needs to pay back the loan within a year. 
  9. At least 1 member of the family must be present while signing the loan agreement
  10. The Employee has to submit Cheque in advance for safety. 
Note : The Car loan agreement will be notarized.

Flexible Working Day Policy

Policy brief & purpose

So far we are having a flexible working hours policy to make work life comfortable  and happening for employees. Now we are moving one step ahead and introducing a Flexible Working Days policy for betterment of employees. Flexible Working Days policy outlines our provisions for employees who want to extend their working days from 5 days a week to 6 days a week. 

Scope of the policy

This policy applies to all the employees associated with SerpentCS. One can change their work schedule with the approval of RM, PM and Management. 

We recognize that some employees need to work 6days a week because of the project requirements. 

The minimum applicability of this policy will be at least 3 months. (with approval of employees Management can extend it too as per requirement of project)


If any employee wants to change their working days they need to follow the following steps

  1. The very first step is to send an official email to the RM, PM and HR
  2. As per the project requirement RM/PM can approve/reject the team's request.
  3. If RM/PM approves the request then RM/PM needs to discuss the performance expectations, productivity needed for the project and they need to set specific goals.
  4. Once the discussion is done, HR will put the agreement in writing and all(RM/PM/Employee/HR) needs to sign it. 
  5. The decision must be revisited and discontinued if it negatively affects productivity or efficiency of the individual or the department or if there will be any changes in project requirements . (Final decision will be on the Management team).

Note: In cases where the Management Team does not approve the employee’s request, the employee must receive an official letter that includes the reasons why.

Lock in Period

Once the agreement is signed the employee can not go for resignation till the last date/month/year mentioned in the agreement letter. 

If in any case the employee has to go for resignation during the lock in period then they will not get any monetary benefit of extra working days policy.

Payment Structure 

The employees who will opt the 6 days working policy a week will get 15% incentives/bonus/reward per month on their gross salary. 

I.e.: if A is having a 50,000 gross salary & he is going to work 6 days a week then his gross salary will be 57500 per month.

Payment Process

  1. Employees will get incentives/bonus/reward on a monthly basis with salary. 
  2. If the employee starts 6 day working from the 1st week of August then they will get incentives/bonus/reward in August month’s salary only which means in the 1st week of Serpent month.
  3. The Amount will be paid as salary so employees need to bear the TDS amt if their income exceeds tax limit. 

NOTE: If RM/PM/Management finds there are productivity or efficiency issues, they can take necessary action and if the employee is found as the culprit then the employee will not be eligible for any benefit which are decided earlier or mentioned in the agreement. 

This policy belongs to SerpentCS and its subsidiary and the Management of the SerpentCS has all the right to amend this policy.

Personal Loan Policy

For the benefit of the employees, Serpent Companies do provide interest free personal loans. There is an agreement for the loan to be signed and the EMIs get deducted from the salaries. Employee's tenure should be at least 1 year if he/she wants to apply for Loan. Loan has to be complete by end of Financial year i.e. if someone is taking loan in the month of Sep21 they have to payback whole loan amount by March22. 

There must be 1 year Gap between 2 loans, one can not take loan immediately after the completion of 1st loan's EMIs. 

There will be 1 year lock in period for the perosnal loan policy and loan issuance date is going to cosider as starting date.

CSR Activities

Serpent group of companies very well understand their responsibility towards the Society. The companies are doing lot many CSR activities like, Blood Donation Camp, Organized Health Check up for Rural area people, visiting old-age homes and help the underprivileged kids.

Training & Workshops

We will update the content soon...

Annual Health Screening

Every Employee will be entitled to an annual health screening in order to assure everyone is healthy. If everyone is healthy, our services will be healthier.

Long Service Awards

Employees who have served at least five (5) years with the Company will be eligible for a long service award as a token of appreciation of their service with the Company. Awards may be in the form of gift items of equivalent value instead of cash. An employee shall not be entitled to the above benefits once he/she tenders his/her resignation.

Recreation Activities

We will update the content soon...


Gratuity is a lump sum that a company pays when an employee leaves an organization, and is one of the many retirement benefits offered by a company to an employee.



The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (the Gratuity Act) is applicable to employees engaged in factories, mines, oilfields, plantations, ports, railway companies, shops or other establishments with ten or more employees. Gratuity is fully paid by the employer, and no part comes from an employee’s salary.

To be eligible for gratuity under the Gratuity Act, an employee needs to have at least five full years of service with the current employer, except in the event that an employee passes away or is rendered disabled due to accident or illness, in which case gratuity must be paid.

Gratuity is paid when an employee

Is eligible for superannuation;


Resigns; or  

Passes away or is rendered disabled due to accident or illness (if an employee passes away, gratuity will be paid to the employee’s nominee).

Gratuity Calculation Formula

Listed below are the components that go into calculation of gratuity amount. The amount is also dependent upon the number of years served in the company and the last drawn salary.

Gratuity = N*B*15/26

N = number of years of service in a company (from the Gratuity amt included in CTC)

B = last drawn basic salary plus DA ( One must have complete at least a quater after the increment in order to get gratiuty on new salary amount)

How to Calculate Gratuity?

For example, you have worked with a company for 20 years of and had Rs.25,000 as his last drawn basic plus DA amount, then,

Gratuity Amount for Amit = 20*25,000*15/26 = Rs.2,88,461.54


Management of Serpent Companies decided to do something good for the Family of Employees. With reference to that SerpentCS has Launched one Program for the betterment of Employee’s Family that is “IPushp”.

IPushp - A P rogram for the U pliftment of the S erpentCS families for their H armony, P rosperity and welfare.

Purpose : This assures the growth of the family, not an individual working at SerpentCS.  

Leadership Skills & Teamwork

We will update the content soon...

Employee Referral Program

Contact Person- Human Resource Manager 


All employees, other than the management staff are eligible for the referral fees on referring a candidate to the HR department for recruitment at Serpent Companies.

In order to be eligible for the payout for referral fee, referred candidates must:

  • Personally known to the XYZ employee who refers him/her.
  • Have the XYZ referrer serve to personally vouch for the referee’s abilities.
  • Be a new referral not a candidate already in the HR database.
  • The referred employee should finish min 1 year of employment.
  • The referrer needs to fill up the employee referral form and submit to the HR department before the recruitment process begins. Referral forms can be obtained from the HR Department.
  • The referred candidate will undergo the standard recruitment process designated for the particular position. Recruitment will be based on the available vacancy at that point of time.
  • If the referred candidate is hired, the referrer is eligible to claim a referral fee as per the parameters defined below. 


The following is the referral fee applicable under this policy

SR NO Job title of New Joinee
Referral Fee to the Referrer
1 Tech Trainee/ Non Tech  Trainee
1000 INR
2 Jr. Developer/ Jr. BA
2000 INR
3 Sr. Developer / Sr. BA
4000 INR
4 Team Leader
6000 INR

Project Manager & Above

8000 INR

The payment to the referrer for a successful recruitment is made as follows –50 % of the referral fee will be paid to referrer, after the referee will successfully completes their probation period. 

The remaining 50 % of the referral fee will be paid to referrer, after the referee has completed 2 Years in the company.

The referrer must be employed with company on the payroll for this payment to be made. The payment will become due to the referrer on the next regular payroll date. 

The employee referral compensation amount is subject to change at any time without notice based on the organisation's needs.

Check with the Human Resources department for current referral fees and also whether the policy is active or not.

Leave Policies

Eligibility for Leaves

We will update the content soon...

Type of Leaves

  • Legal Leaves
  • Flexi Leaves
  • Sick Leaves
  • LOP Leaves
  • Paternity Leaves
  • Marriage Leaves
  • Maternity Leaves
  • Bereavement Leave

Legal Leaves


All permanent staff & Contract workers.

Legal leave is calculated for a period of one year (April to March)


Serpent Group of companies is providing  1 leave per month to every employee.  
Every Employee is entitled for 12 Leaves per Year, after Completion of Probation.  
Leaves will lapse at the end of every FY.

Flexi Leaves


All permanent staff & Contract workers.

Flexi leave is calculated for a period of one year (January to December)


Serpent Group of companies is providing 2 leaves per year maximum out of the all leaves predefined by the company. Leaves will lapse at the end of every FY.

Sick Leaves


All permanent staff & Contract workers.

Sick leave is calculated for a period of one year (April to March)


Serpent Group of companies is providing  0.5 leave per month to every employee.

Every Employee is entitle for 6 Leaves per Year, After Completion of Probation.
Leaves will be lapse at the end of every FY.

LOP Leaves

During the period of LOP, the employee is not entitled for any pay or allowance.

A maximum of 3 months of LOP can be availed on the approval of the management. (Exceptional cases like ML/SL, etc.) If the employee fails to report to duty on the specified date after the sanctioned LOP, it is deemed that the employee has abandoned his service with the company on his own accord.

Paternity leaves

Company is providing 3 days of paternity leave for male employees whose partner has given birth to a baby. Employees can take this leave just after the delivery.

Maternity Leaves

Eligibility criteria for the ML:

  • Company is providing maternity leaves to those female employees who have completed working in company for at least 2 years.

  • If the female employee has 1 child before joining the company, after confirmation, she can avail ML only once in her tenure with the company. If the female Employee has 2 children before joining, ML cannot be availed.
  • If the female employee has no children before joining the company, she can avail ML maximum 2 times in her tenure with the company provided the difference between the first (date of rejoining work after availing ML for 1st time) and the second (date from which ML is applied for 2nd time) occasion is minimum 24 months.
  • If any female employee has taken 1 maternity leave then she must work for 24 months with the company from the date of rejoining.

Availability for ML:

Female employees working for 2 years in the company shall be eligible for a paid Maternity Leave (ML) for a maximum period of only 1 calendar month (i.e. Four weeks).

Female Employee taking the ML may avail it like this if she needs so as per her health and instruction of Medical experts.

Application for ML:

Eligible female members can apply for ML at least 2 months in advance of the date from which the ML will be availed and also submit a certificate from a qualified obstetrician/ gynecologist/ registered medical practitioner. Employee should clearly specify the date from which, she will be absent from work and also the date of rejoining has to be mentioned on the same.

ML is a 100% paid leave. However, if due to any medical reason the leave extended the employee can take benefits of sick leaves and legal leaves she has. Any leave beyond that will be a pay cut.

If the employee decides to discontinue the work during ML then she agrees to pay 100% of the amount paid during ML to the company.

Marriage leaves

Company provides 3 days of marriage Leaves to the SerpentCS employee, after completion of  2 years employment with the Serpent Group of Companies.

Bereavement Leaves

Authorised leave from work, paid or unpaid, for the purposes of attending to the funeral of a family member.

As all Serpent members have been working so hard, we have decided to support them in such a crucial time.

Hence, we will convert the 1 day leave as a paid leave which was taken due to the sad reason.  We cannot contribute directly, but we want to contribute indirectly to you by modifying bereavement policy.

Note: This Paid Leave will applicable for Close Family Member only.

Application for Leave

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Clearance of Leave

An employee back to one's duty after a period of 9 days or more considering an approved duration, is liable to lock-in period of 3 months for the resignation. The reason is reasonably the gap of the communication and project handover. the Final decision will be on Management in case of any discrepancies.

All the leaves are going to be lapse at the end of the year and any leave is not going to carry forward to next financial year. 

Public Holidays

Employees are entitled to all government gazetted public holidays as stated in the Employment Act. Employees not based in India are entitled to gazetted public holidays as stated in the relevant statute(s) of the country in which they are based or onsite. You may find the list of public Holidays from the backend.

Reimbursement Policies

Expense Reimbursement

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Timesheet & Worklog Management

Any company or organization must accurately account for the time its employees spend on tasks and projects. Time entry involves employees entering the time they start and end work on a task or project on a time-sheet. This data is then used in client billing as well as payroll processing.

A project can meet its deadlines, maintain its budget, and achieve success when it uses time effectively. To do this, one need to be able to keep accurate records. This makes time-sheets essential to any successful business processes.

To make time-sheets and work-log process accurate & effective every employee must enter their time sheet details and if in any case they are fail to do so they will be not eligible for salary.

Company will not process for salary after 10th date of any month, so if time sheets were added before that then only salary is going to credited in the current month or else it will be done in next month.

Performance Expectation & Evaluation

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Use of Company Equipments & Electronics

IT Policy

1) Cyber law and IT Act 2000

The Information Technology Act, 2000 (also known as ITA-2000, or the IT Act) is an Act of the Indian Parliament (No 21 of 2000) enacted at 09 June 2000 and notified on 17 October 2000.

It is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce. The laws apply to the whole of India. Persons of other nationalities can also be indicted under the law, if the crime involves a computer or network located in India.

A major amendment was made in 2008. It introduced the Section 66A which penalized sending of "offensive messages".

It also introduced the Section 69, which gave authorities the power of "interception or monitoring or decryption of any information through any computer resource".

It also introduced for child porncyber terrorism and voyeurism. It was passed on 22 December 2008 without any debate in Lok Sabha. The next day it was passed by the Rajya Sabha. It was signed into law by President Pratibha Patil, on 5 February 2009.

2) List of offences and the corresponding penalties

1) Section – 65

Offence – Tampering with computer source documents

Description – If a person knowingly or intentionally conceals, destroys or alters or intentionally or knowingly causes another to conceal, destroy or alter any computer source code used for a computer, computer programme, computer system or computer network, when the computer source code is required to be kept or maintained by law for the time being in force.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 200,000/-

2) Section – 66

Offence – Hacking with computer system

Description – If a person with the intent to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or any person destroys or deletes or alters any information residing in a computer resource or diminishes its value or utility or affects it injuriously by any means, commits hack.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 500,000/-

3) Section – 66B

Offence – Receiving stolen computer or communication device

Description – A person receives or retains a computer resource or communication device which is known to be stolen or the person has reason to believe is stolen.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 100,000/-

4) Section – 66C

Offence – Using password of another person

Description – A person fradulently uses the password, digital signature or other unique identification of another person.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 100,000/-

5) Section – 66D

Offence – Cheating using computer resource

Description – If a person cheats someone using a computer resource or communication.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 100,000/-

6) Section – 66E

Offence – Publishing private images of others

Description – If a person captures, transmits or publishes images of a person's private parts without his/her consent or knowledge.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 200,000/-

7) Section – 66F

Offence – Acts of cyberterrorism

Description – If a person denies access to an authorised personnel to a computer resource, accesses a protected system or introduces contaminant into a system, with the intention of threatening the unity, integrity, sovereignty or security of India, then he commits cyberterrorism.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to life.

8) Section – 67

Offence – Publishing information which is obscene in electronic form.

Description – If a person publishes or transmits or causes to be published in the electronic form, any material which is lascivious or appeals to the prurient interest or if its effect is such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons who are likely, having regard to all relevant circumstances, to read, see or hear the matter contained or embodied in it.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to five years, or/and with fine up to 1,000,000/-

9) Section – 67A

Offence – Publishing images containing sexual acts

Description – If a person publishes or transmits images containing a sexual explicit act or conduct.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to seven years, or/and with fine up to 1,000,000/-

10) Section – 67B

Offence – Publishing child porn or predating children online

Description – If a person captures, publishes or transmits images of a child in a sexually explicit act or conduct. If a person induces a child into a sexual act. A child is defined as anyone under 18.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to five years, or/and with fine up to 1,000,000/- on first conviction. Imprisonment up to seven years, or/and with fine up to 1,000,000/- on second conviction.

11) Section – 67C

Offence – Failure to maintain records

Description – Persons deemed as intermediatary (such as an ISP) must maintain required records for stipulated time. Failure is an offence.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine.

12) Section – 68

Offence – Failure/refusal to comply with orders

Description – The Controller may, by order, direct a Certifying Authority or any employee of such Authority to take such measures or cease carrying on such activities as specified in the order if those are necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act, rules or any regulations made thereunder. Any person who fails to comply with any such order shall be guilty of an offence.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 200,000/-

13) Section – 69

Offence – Failure/refusal to decrypt data

Description – If the Controller is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the interest of the sovereignty or integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign Stales or public order or for preventing incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence, for reasons to be recorded in writing, by order, direct any agency of the Government to intercept any information transmitted through any computer resource. The subscriber or any person in charge of the computer resource shall, when called upon by any agency which has been directed, must extend all facilities and technical assistance to decrypt the information. The subscriber or any person who fails to assist the agency referred is deemed to have committed a crime.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to seven years and possible fine.

14) Section – 70

Offence – Securing access or attempting to secure access to a protected system

Description – The appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare that any computer, computer system or computer network to be a protected system. The appropriate Government may, by order in writing, authorize the persons who are authorized to access protected systems. If a person who secures access or attempts to secure access to a protected system, then he is committing an offence.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to ten years, or/and with fine.

15) Section – 71

Offence – Misrepresentation

Description – If anyone makes any misrepresentation to, or suppresses any material fact from, the Controller or the Certifying Authority for obtaining any license or Digital Signature Certificate.

Penalty – Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 100,000/-

3) IT Amendment ACT 2008

The Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008 (IT Act 2008) is a substantial addition to India's Information Technology Act (ITA-2000). The IT Amendment Act was passed by the Indian Parliament in October 2008 and came into force a year later. The Act is administered by the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team.

Section 69A and the Blocking Rules: Allowing the Government to block content under certain circumstances  :

Section 69A of the IT (Amendment) Act, 2008, allows the Central Government to block content where it believes that this content threatens the security of the State; the sovereignty, integrity or defence of India; friendly relations with foreign States; public order; or to prevent incitement for the commission of a cognisable offence relating to any of the above. A set of procedures and safeguards to which the Government has to adhere when doing so have been laid down in what have become known as the Blocking Rules.

Section 79 and the IT Rules: Privatising censorship in India

Section 79 of the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 regulates the liability of a wide range of intermediaries in India. The section came in the limelight mostly because of the infamous Intermediary Guidelines Rules, or IT Rules, which were made under it. The IT Rules constitute an important and worrying move towards the privatisation of censorship in India.

Section 66A: Do not send offensive messages

Section 66A of the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 prohibits the sending of offensive messages though a communication device (i.e. through an online medium). The types of information this covers are offensive messages of a menacing character, or a message that the sender knows to be false but is sent for the purpose of ‘causing annoyance, inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult, injury, criminal intimidation, enmity, hatred, or ill will.’ If you’re booked under Section 66A, you could face up to 3 years of imprisonment along with a fine.

Freedom of expression

To balance freedom of expression with other human rights is, at times, a difficult and delicate task. From hate speech to intermediary liability, we tease out and shed greater light on the various challenges that make this task particularly complicated, proposing ways forward that can further strengthen and promote the right to freedom of expression, in India and beyond, as well.

Cyber security and human rights

With the advent of new technology, new security threats have emerged for people, businesses and states. Oftentimes, responses to such threats, including states’ exercise of their unprecedented power to surveil their populations, have been criticised for their negative impact on human rights.

Social Media

Employees are prohibited to use the company’s electronic media system to post any articles, give views, responses or comments, whether at personal level or on behalf of the organization. All responses to the media or public enquiries pertaining to the organization; shall be the responsibility of the Marketing & Communications Department or assigned staff acting on behalf of the Group. The Group CEO will approve all outgoing response/s before release.

Serpent Group of companies may monitor or audit contents of the employee’s Internet. Employee found violating could be disciplined accordingly, including termination of employment. The following actions are forbidden: using disparaging, abusive, profane or offensive language; creating, viewing or displaying materials that might adversely or negatively reflect on The Serpent Group of companies or be contrary to The Serpent Group of companies’ best interests; and engaging in any illegal activities, including piracy, cracking, hacking, extortion, blackmail, copyright infringement, and unauthorized access of any computers and company-provided equipment such as cell phones and laptops.

Employees may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials, except with permission or as a single copy to reference only. Employees must not use the system in a way that disrupt others from using. Large files should not be transmitted but should be saved/transferred via thumb drives.

File Saving

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External Storage Devices

Staff are not allowed to use external storage devices (external drives,bio metric drives etc.) unless otherwise approved. Where approval is granted, the external storage devices will become the property of the company and returned when the staff leaves the company.

Assets Use

The Serpent CS defines assets as both tangible (physical) and non-tangibles (non-physical – proprietary information, data, formula, trade secrets, goodwill and etc), Tangible would include computers (Desktop, Laptop, ipads etc), mobile devices such as hand phones, besides others that are own by the company, where in the course of work, the employee has access, use or issued as part of our duties to fulfill or meet/accomplish the Group’s activities.
It is our duty, due diligence and responsibility to safeguard and protect these assets while in our possession, ensuring that they are not lost/damage/misuse or leak in any form.

It is our duty, due diligence and responsibility to safeguard and protect these assets while in our possession, ensuring that they are not lost/damage/misuse or leak in any form.

Where suspected theft, loss, damage or vandalized is noted, the staff responsible for the asset is to notify his/her immediate supervisor immediately. The supervisor is to conduct an investigation immediately to assess and ascertain the magnitude and damage. The Group CEO shall be notified thereafter. Where necessary or where break-in has occurred, the case shall be reported to the police.

Staff responsible for the loss/damage to the asset will bear the cost of repair and or replacement where the loss/damage to the asset arises from negligence/misuse and not through fair wear and tear or system failure.

Where loss/leak of vital information and data is concern, the immediate supervisor when made known, shall notify the HR Department and the Responsible Person.

Telephone/Mobile use

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Electronic Communication & Internet Use

The following are the guidelines governing the usage of Internet, company-provided cell phones and email in an appropriate, ethical and professional manner

  • Internet - The Serpent Group’s computers (e.g., cell phones, laptops, computers) and services are strictly prohibited at all times to be used for transmitting, retrieving, viewing or storing any communications of a defamatory, discriminatory, harassing nature, adult  sites/channels banned by the SerpentCS Group.
  • Playing computer games (whether stored in CD-ROMS, external or hard disk or any other types of media);
  • Carry out personal communication or non-work related activities/functions using The SerpentCS Group’s e-mail system, including but not limited to solicitation for religious or political purposes, displaying or transmitting sexually explicit or racially– motivated images or messages or anything that may be construed as harassment or insulting others; or

  • Download or use any chat programs such as facebook, chat line, MSN and Yahoo Messenger and other programs not specifically permitted by The SerpentCS Group are prohibited.

The following actions are forbidden: using disparaging, abusive, profane or offensive language; creating, viewing or displaying materials that might adversely or negatively reflect on The SerpentCS Group or be contrary to The SerpentCS Group’s best interests; and engaging in any illegal activities, including piracy, cracking, hacking, extortion, blackmail, copyright infringement, and unauthorized access of any computers and company-provided equipment such as cell phones and laptops.

Employees may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials, except with permission or as a single copy to reference only. Employees must not use the system in a way that disrupt others from using. Large files should not be transmitted but should be saved/transferred via thumb drives. Non-work related issues are not to be transmitted via the system. Preferable is to get an approval from Management for any big file transfers.

Where a mail is suspicious, the mail is highly to be virus. Contact the IT immediately. Internal and external e-mails using the company’s account are considered as business records and shall be subjected to tracking and used in open courts in the event of litigation.

All e-mails sent or received using The SerpentCS Group’s network is classified as “Confidential”. You should therefore ensure that the contents of these e-mails (together with their attachments) are kept confidential and not transmitted or made available by any means (including electronically, physically or verbally) to any other parties outside of The SerpentCS Group.

All confidential information must not be communicated via e-mail, Internet voice communications, or over a chat line. Your personal password is Confidential and not to be shared. Do not disclose your password to anyone.

Violations of any part of this policy are sufficient cause for disciplinary procedure to be taken against errant staff, including dismissal if the violation is serious. Violations may also affect discretionary awards such as bonuses and promotions.

Employee Communication

Communication plays very Vital role in any Organization, if communication is proper it will result to good a working Environment.

Serpent Group of Companies  is using various communication ways for Smoothing Communication between Management and Employees


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Employees Feedbacks & Suggestions

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Email Notification

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Grievance Procedure

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Accepting, Offering or Soliciting Gifts

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